Envy and lies

I was not sure what to do at my home my brother and I were stuck in trauma after that creepy ranma episode that we watched. I played some pc games then kingdom hearts and then, I had an idea “ I should play pokemon ruby”. I thought as the fighting in kingdom hearts 2 was becoming boring... So I was trapped in my room [i had no excuse]. And I said “ Ian get my gameboy advance now”! He was angry and said “ Get it yourself Jerk”.
How dare he do that!
Oh I should introduce myself. My name is Douglas and I am 12 years old. I have a cyan Gameboy advance sp. My brother ian is 17 and we live with two loving parents in vallejo, california in an orange home. I got the console started playing pokemon ruby, and continued from after i left petalburg city. it was normal until a wild pokemon appeared.it was so odd because it was a pokemon that was rare it was a shiny poochyena that I was shocked about finding a shiny pokemon early in the game then after i caught it. The grass became gray and had dry patches. My trainer became transparent and the treecko i had started with flashed. I had no idea what was with the game until ian said .“ I hacked the game”! He continued to say stuff in a hysterical voice and that’s when it happened the tv turned on by itself an image of a pikachu appeared a voice said “ how the hell did you find out about what happened”!! Then a note was found with my dog’s collar and my dog was severely wounded why would this happen to harper my beagle my dog was in a coma for 2 days.
Then I found my dog dead in a pool of water my dad said this “harper was in a coma she could not awaken from doug”. It was never the same since that day. The end.